Wednesday 9 January 2008


Took it nice and easy today. I think it's been quite a shock to our system so we had a half day, spending most of the morning just playing and resting. I did a bit of reading with Issy, Callum finished his wordsearch from yesterday, and they all played together on the CBeebies website. We then spent the afternoon in our local library. Alex spent the whole time playing with the wooden puzzles, while Callum and Isobel went finding any books about castles and knights and dragons that they could. Cal read a few and Issy had some poems read to her, but kept finding excuses to do the baby puzzles with! We couldn't take any out because a) the children's cards haven't arrived through the post yet, and b) me and Rach have lost our own so need to reapply, which means going to the central library in town, which we will do tomorrow. Nonetheless, we did come home with a book, 10 english pence for a big hardback 'journal' of a young squire, from the booksale shelf! Result!

Felt a bit naughty being out with the kids, lol. The streets were quiet of children apart from ones in pushchairs - it will take a while I think for it to feel 'normal'. Went to the Co-op to pick up a few bits for tea and an old lady was chatting to Rach about how gorgeous and good the kids are - naturally ;-) - and she said that she was expecting her to ask why they weren't in school. She's not really looking forward to having to answer that question all the time! We already get 'Gosh, haven't you got your hands full??' about 312 times a day as it is... I'm sure it will get to be water off a ducks back though!

Anyhow - got home and did a bit of reading aloud and decided that was enough for one day. Rach has spent hours getting stressed trying to sort out Alex and Issy's birthday presents, as their birthdays are in just a few weeks now. You wouldn't believe how long it took to trawl through Amazon! Still, she managed to get the Tardis playset for Cal's birthday in March for a tenner in the Boots sale - down from £40! So it was worth the time and effort. Apparantly.....

Right- I bet you can't guess who's crying, can you? No rest for the wicked...

1 comment:

Hazel said...

You get used to the nosey people asking why they're not in school. Meh... I get it all the time.

You're bona fide weirdos now you know!