Sunday 27 January 2008

catch up

Hectic few days here means no updates, how very lazy. .

Thursday and Friday were fairly lazy days, the kids seemed quite tired (poss. virus?) and we were getting a bit lacking with the planning for one reason or another, it's so hard with all 4 to keep top of who needs to do what, let alone the daily household tasks. Anyhow apart from reading and some 3R's work not much was achieved at the end of last week but no matter. Rich went out jobhunting on Friday too. We spent the time wisely and got ourselves organised with a schedule (for ourselves rather than for the children) which will hopefully keep us motivated when we are surrounded by chaos. I (Rach) find it difficult staying focused when I know x y and z needs doing upstairs for example, and work much better on a loose schedule so hopefully next week should suit us adults better. Still not heard back from the Scouts bloke which is annoying so still no further there but have a number at last for Issys Rainbows woman. My Mother in Law has very kindly offered to help pay for one of their classes too, which is a great help, so thanks again to her. :-)

Good weekend though, Saturday Nanny H and Grandad B were up and took the children out for the day. They brought up presents from their family and also from my family down South, as it's Alex's 3rd birthday on Wednesday and Issy's the week after!
Sam stayed with us, and cooperated with our plan by being a good boy: we decorated Issy's room as a surprise for her! :-) We went into town on Friday and saw this gorgeous wallpaper and a fab PINK paint and figured we may as well make the most of the time, as we knew they'd be out for a good 6 hours with Nanny and Grandad...and she's been so good this year. We effectively 'stole' her bedroom and put her in the boys room to sleep for 6 mths while Sam was little and not sleeping so we figured she deserved a reward. We worked our butts off and finished it in 5hrs 22 mins, and she LOVED it! Her face was a picture. Will get some photos of her in it tomorrow and post them. Then we went out to the pub for dinner with Nanny and Grandad, Sam was being a cutie and grinning at random people in the pub and generally being gorgeous, lol, and the other 3 were kept busy in the playroom while we ate. Well deserved pints, we feel!

Today Rich's Dad kindly got us two new desks and a swivelly PC chair too so we can have 2 separate working areas which will be a great help so better go and let Rich put the new desk in under this keyboard!

Here is to a more organised week next week following Rahs' schedule :-)

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