Friday 11 January 2008

Going Solo

Too tired to update yesterday, but our day was basically taken up with going to the big library with the kids' new cards, spending lots of time looking around and being scowled at by the World's Grumpiest Childrens Librarian TM. Why do they always look so pissed off that someone has dared to enter their library? We then had to get a lift home from Grandad because we had so many books - Castle-y Knight-y books, Issy phonics books, Alex funny books - we even got a handful of books for keeps, 10p booksale got us a book on stone age people, Callum's current favourite book Measle and the Dragodon, a children's book adaptation of Jurassic Park 3 and Al's favourite book of all time Mr Tickle. Not bad at all, eh?

Anyhow. Today started rather badly for Rach. After complaining yesterday of blurred vision and lethargy she awoke at 4am to a gargantuan migraine, and so was indefinitely indisposed. When she gets them she can't see, speak or eat until it runs it's course so I knew was going it alone with the Homeschool for the day.
Still, Sam woke at 6:45, followed by the Cal and Is at 7:30, with Al finally emerging at 8:25! So A nice relaxing morning, and once we started at 9:30, it seemed to fly by with no problem. We read a story about jousting, looked at a 'Where's Wally' style Castle book (in which Callum showed everything he's learned this week has really sunk in, and Isobel worked out good ways of attacking a castle, including sneaking in in disguise! Oh, and hiding in corners and bashing people on the head) and then did so really good work in their workbooks. Issy did patterns, Callum did syllables, and even Alex got involved and did some work out of a huge 4-6yrs workbook their great-grandma bought Callum for Christmas. He also liked colouring in his Thomas the Tank Engine pictures, see:

Sam claims he did work too - well, he sucked on a corner of 'That's Not My Dragon' for about 15 minutes - so he thinks his piccy should be up too. Personally I think he just wants to show off his new teethy-pegs...

Lunchtime came and went, with Rachel no better, so we started on some things I found on a brilliant website here. Callum alphabetised some words, and learned to look them up in the (well, currently online) dictionary. Issy cut out some flash cards showing various medieval characters performing meaningful tasks, then Rach (to the sound of heradlic trumpets) came downstairs feeling much better, and helped her stick them to card so we can use them without them being eaten/torn/blown away/set fire to etc.

Cal then did a medieval crossword. He was very apprehensive at first, he has never done one before, but I showed him how to do them and he was away. He answered 90% of the questions no problem, looked up the spellings if he was unsure, and the 2 or three questions he didn't know, he then took to his books and found out the answer that way. He was dead chuffed with himself.

We finished off with another chapter from George's Marvellous Medicine - Granny finally drank the medicine, hysterics ensued.

What a cracking way to finish the week. We all really enjoyed ourselves (well, not Rach, she was upstairs feeling very miserable about the whole affair, and wishing she could join in), and it's been really nice to finish on such a high. We spoke to the kids about how they feel about homeschooling and they were really positive. Callum misses a couple of his friends, and he says he is going to write one of them, Leo, a letter, telling him how things are and to meet him at the park! But apart from that he is really enjoying himself, and we have assured him we are not keeping him locked up - we are starting him at a local football training scheme ASAP, and will also be getting him into Scouts and swimming lessons within the next 4-6 weeks. We fully appreciate that he needs that outlet, as does Isobel, so she will be off swimming also, and she fancies going to gym class *whispers quietly to those that don't know* just like her daddy did. She says she loves homeschool, and doesn't miss her 'stinky winky friends' because they're all rubbish and mean anyway, and even the nice ones are quite smelly. She's charming. Anyway, Cal says the work we are giving him is harder than he is used to, but he is still managing it really well, so I dread to think what they've been giving him to do on a daily basis.

On the whole, we're really pleased with how the week has gone, and are looking forward to the coming weeks. We've made arrangements to go to Skipton next Friday, so that will be something nice to look forward to, although I am working a bit next week so Rach will be on her own for a couple of days, but don't worry, she says she'll make sure she updates on here before she runs out of the door screaming lol.

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