Wednesday 13 February 2008


Well nearly! It was so nice the last couple of days! Makes this whole thing seem so worth it - the parks and outdoor places are devoid of scummy kids and the world is our oyster, it's marvellous!

Anyhow, the last few days we have spent only working mornings then making the most of the afternoons tbh. They have done lots of the usual 3Rs stuff, and Issy has watched the first three parts of her Jolly Phonics DVD that she got for her birthday, along with the accompanying workbooks. Cal had a nostalgia trip and ended up watching them with her, lol, trying to pretend that he couldn't remember, daft sod. We have also done our studies on Turkey and Switzerland for the football project. Only thing we aren't covering much of yet is Science but all in good time. There are some good books I have my eye on when funds allow that should give us some ideas with regards to that.
Afternoons, we have been out! At the playground, playing tennis, flying kites and football and climbing trees namely. We also took a walk up to the nursery schhool yesterday to get Alex's form in for a place, hopefully he'll be able to go soon.
Photos from the last few days then:

Sam loving the swings

Cal and his bleedin' beloved football
Issy and Alex trying to play tennis, rofl

and lastly me and Chops
Bloody back carrier, no idea why I bothered buying 2 pushchairs! :-S Can't wait for my new mei tai though...

One last thing. When I was 11, my dad went to the local rescue centre for dogs and he brought home the friendliest, gentlest most darling dog that ever lived. His name was Sam, and I loved him very much. Part of the reason Sammy is called Samuel is because of how great an animal he was, I liked him and could have better conversation with him than most human males... He was put to sleep today in my mums arms after a long and happy life and I will miss him so much. RIP Sam the dog. We'll never forget you. xxxxxxxxx


Samantha Drake said...

Looks like you're all having great fun!

RIP Sam. We're thinking of you here!

Samantha x

Rosie said...

Hi Rach and Rich,
Hope you don't mind me posting here but the FA does a football site based on the National Curriculum, which includes some science I think. The sports officers at work have had stuff about it, I think. It's at

Best wishes,