Monday 18 February 2008


... we are slavedrivers!

Today we sat the kids down with some 3rs stuff as usual for a morning, Cal worked hard on some multiplication and Issy on her Jolly Phonics. At about 11am the door knocked and Cal's friend Connor was there asking if he could play out. I said no, as Cal is grounded for leaving-the territory he-is-allowed-to-play-in-offences (he came running home on Sunday afternoon to ask if he could go to a BBQ, At a house way out of his allowed range. What a plank!). (and, WHO has BBQ's in FEBRUARY?)

As I shut the door it dawned on me that it's half term, ROFL! There I was planning their activities for the week as usual and the rest of the town are out having a laugh. I am so mean.
Anyhow - work is adjourned for the next week, guess they could do with the break huh!

So - we have finished our first half term and we can definitely say that this is the way for us. We are loving our new lives and the kids are definitely benefiting so much - rows and rivalry have decreased by 2/3.

Just a quick mention to Hayley - I don't know if she reads this but she is a lovely lady from the parenting site I use and after my moaning about the back carrier, she very very kindly let me have a ringsling and a lend of the Kozy carrier I have my eye on! She wouldn't even let me pay her for the postage.Thank you Hayley, you are wonderful! I have changed my BW avatar to the pic of me trying it, but here is Sam giving it a go with his Daddy:

til next time... Rahs xx

1 comment:

Louise said...

Aww you horrible parents lol