Sunday, 30 March 2008

back to the grindstone tomorrow..


We had a three week Easter break in the end.. whoops! Oh well. Turned out quite handy in the end as I have been rather ill for the last few weeks, having to have some investigations done next week, so I haven't really felt up to it anyway. The kids have had a good time anyway, lots of playing out with their friends on the street and helping Rich do the back garden up, as well as our trip to Reading and a few good walks.

Tomorrow we shall resume some kind of order in the house, back to our usual pattern. I think we'll do Monday through to Wednesday and then have Thursday and Friday off, and work Saturday instead. It's Sam's 1st birthday on Thursday and we are going to Camelot theme park with my friend Hazel and her family, we've never met before in real life lol, so it should be fun!

I am a bit nervous about regaining order and disciplining ourselves again, as knowing how the kids are I expect a kind of rebellion for a few days while they get used to concentrating again, so good vibes and luck for tomorrow are gratefully received. I shall update again tomorrow if I am still in one piece! :-)

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